Saturday 20 July 2013

SEE 8 Reasons Why Men Are Not Eager To Get Married

Have you ever thought about that your friend,uncle,brother and family.that by now  his suppose to have been settled down with his family having and building good home but still they are not thinking about it?

We have many such people around us,but we must no that something is the cause of such attitude.

HERE are the 8 reasons why men are not eager to get married below,,,,,

1. They can get s3x without marriage:
One major point, which hinders some men, is the ability to know that they can made love without marriage because our lady have made s3x so cheat that men is even talking them for granted.This concept often makes them think less of marriage. When it comes to this point, you will realized that women will be the one eager to get married before s3x while if the man needs s3x, he just get another girl, done and dupe her just like that and this makes them think less of marriage.

2. The benefits of having a wife by cohabiting rather than marrying: 

A man may be reluctant to think of marriage when he thinks he can ask for a female friend to come live with him. In most cases the girl just accepts believing that it’s a way to express her love to the guy. Nothing is wrong with that but the problem now is that, the guy gets all the benefit of marriage while unmarried. You will even see that in some instances,many even have kids even without ligally married to the baby mama. It  happen sall the time,

3. They want to avoid divorce and financial risk: 
Many men are just generally scared of the word marriage ,Some men are afraid of the ideal of getting married due to the obstacles that come later in it, probably because they saw an example from their parents or others and not want to fall another victim in this regard. Also the inability to get a stable source of income makes others to think less of marriage.

4. They expect to get older before having children:
This has to do mostly with young men. They expect to enjoy the benefit of youth and the good things that life offers after graduation before settling down for marriage. That is why if you decide to do a little research on this point, you will discover that the majority of young men are not eager to bear children. 

5. They fear of changes and compromise: 
Most of the time you will realize that a man just wants a wife probably to look good, provide great s3x, join in his day-to-day recreational activities and tell him he is wonderful. On the other hand women’s requirements are not very like that. They need to feel loved. They want a great conversationalist, a man who is funny, a good father for their children, someone who is attractive, a good s3xual partner, a man who is ambitiously successful and God fearing. In reality, most men are simply not that.

6. Waiting for a perfect match: 
This is another reason why you may see someone with all what it takes to get married but on the other hand he is not willing to. This point makes sense to me to a certain should learn that their is no perfect woman out there.

7. Further education:
The ability to acquire further knowledge hinders some men as well as women. They believed that in order for them to concentrate with studies, they don’t want to be disturb by family affairs or bearing the responsibility of children while in school.

8. They faced few social pressures to marry:
Concerning the issue of getting married, women are more eager than men probably because they’re faced with much pressure from parents, family members, friends etc. than men. If a girl’s friend gets married, she automatically wants to get married as well. I don’t know why, maybe it has to do with eternal pressures or comparison. But with the case of men, they take it in a gradual process taking their time.

So from the reasons above i guess you can see why most men find it hard to handle marriage..


  1. this pigin English or what...nice concept but I struggled reading through.lwkmd
